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We would appreciate you writing a letter of support

Letters of support received

Suggestions for content of letters

Click to see some letters of support received.

We would appreciate you writing a letter of support

Your letters will be used to support our project and forwarded to policy makers.

Please let us know in your email if you do not wish your letter to be publicly available.

Suggestions for possible content

We are advocating for the reinstatement of female only psychiatric wards,

and further development of female psychiatry

and female mental illness services in the community,

Australia-wide and internationally.


We are seeking letters of support from individuals, groups, organizations and services:









We would like to know your reasons why you support the project or why you think

female only psychiatric wards should be reinstated.

You could give examples of:

Good and bad personal experiences

Good and bad practices

Best practices for services, organizations, groups, and individual workers / professionals

that you have experienced or would like to see.


Could you encourage others to write a letter of support,

or suggest who else we could approach for letters of support?

Please address the letter to:

To whom it may concern

and send to

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